In chloroform directory: jsub -np 2 tm chloroform_pbe0_tzvp_nmr mpshiftĪnd in TMS directory: jsub -np 2 tm TMS_pbe0_tzvp_nmr mpshift The jobs would finish very quickly with one CPU, but let's use 2 CPUs to illustrate how parallel mpshift jobs are run. The mpshift module does not need any additional keywords.

NMR shielding constants are calculated with the module mpshift. NMR shielding constant calculation with mpshift

The optimizations should finish in a few seconds as the starting geometries were already close to minimum. In chloroform directory: jsub tm chloroform_pbe0_tzvp_opt jobex -riĪnd in TMS directory: jsub tm TMS_pbe0_tzvp_opt jobex -ri Submit geometry optimizations for both jobs (1 CPU is enough as these are small and symmetric systems). NMR shielding constants should always be calculated at optimized geometries.